Hankelow Parish Council — Pre-Parish Council meeting documents — 2018

This page enables you to read documents released prior to the 2018 meetings of Hankelow Parish Council.

    The meeting of 26th November 2018

    1. The agenda for the meeting of 26th November 2018

    The meeting of 5th November 2018

    1. The agenda for the meeting of 5th November 2018
    2. Item 4 - The minutes of the Parish Council meeting of 3 September 2018
    3. Item 7 - NPSG Minutes 22 October 2018
    4. Item 9.2 - Budget Monitoring-Draft Budget 2019-2020
    5. Item 9.2 - Clerk's Budget Report
    6. Item 9.2 - Receipts & Payments to June 2018
    7. Item 11 - 30 mph roundel

    The meeting of 3rd September 2018

    1. The agenda for the meeting of 3rd September 2018
    2. Item 3 - The minutes of the Parish Council meeting of 2nd July 2018
    3. Item 7.2 - Receipts & Payments to 30 June 2018

    The meeting of 2nd July 2018

    1. The agenda for the meeting of 2nd July 2018
    2. Item 3 - Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Hankelow Parish Council held at Hankelow Methodist Chapel on 1st May 2018
    3. Item 3 - Minutes of the Parish Meeting held at Hankelow Methodist Chapel on 1st May 2018
    4. Item 6.2 - Draft NP Grant Application
    5. Item 8.2 - Spatial Planning Update (CEC)
    6. Item 11.1 - Standing Orders
    7. Item 11.2 - Assets List 2017-2018 (as submitted for audit)
    8. Item 13 - Data Protection Policy (GDPR)

    The meeting of 1st May 2018

    1. The agenda for the meeting of 1st May 2018
    2. Item 5 - The minutes of the Parish Council meeting of 5th March 2018
    3. Item 7 - Risk assessment management
    4. Item 8.2 - Terms of reference for the Neigbourhood Plan Steering Group
    5. Item 9 - The Hankelow Parish Council calendar for 2018-2019
    6. Item 13 - A report on the General Data Protection Regulation
    7. Item 14 - The minutes of the meeting of the "Save Our White Lion Action Group" held on Friday 20 April 2018

    The meeting of 5th March 2018

    1. The agenda for the meeting of 5th March 2018
    2. Item 3 - The minutes of the Parish Council meeting of 2nd January 2018
    3. Item 4 - The minutes of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group held on 25th January 2018

    The meeting of 2nd January 2018

    1. The agenda for the meeting of 2nd January 2018
    2. Item 4.1 - The minutes of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group held on 14th November 2017
    3. Item 5 - Sale of Hankelow Church
    4. Item 6 - Budget Report to 2 January 2018
    5. Item 6 - Draft Budget 2018-19
    6. Item 9 - Cabinet for AED
    7. Item 11 - CEC Housing Strategy