Minutes of the Meeting held 4th February, 2008.
THOSE PRESENT:- The Chairperson, Cllrs. Williams, Cope, Hulme, and Mounteney also present were Borough Cllr. Bailey and 6 parishioners.
The Chairperson welcomed the new Parish Clerk and thanked the retiring Clerk for his 15 year's service.
The Minutes of the Meeting held 5th November, 2007 were read and being accepted signed by the Chairperson. Proposed by Cllr. Cope and seconded by Cllr. Hulme.
Cllrs. Cope and Hulme reported that the replacement Notice Board was now in the village. It was decided that Cllrs. Cope and Hulme should re-site the Board, so that it is by the bus stop lay by. The Clerk was instructed to write to the Council to request that the Parish Council may re-site the Notice Board. Cllrs. thanked Ian Jones for his help with the Notice Board.
It was decided that Hankelow Parish Council should enter Hankelow in the Best Kept Village Competition 2008. Proposed by Cllr. Cope and seconded by Cllrs. Hulme and Mounteney.
The clerk to fill in and return the appropriate forms.
It was agreed that the retiring Clerk and the new Clerk should each be paid half of the usual quarterly payment plus expenses for the quarter up to 4th February, 2008.
Cheques done since last meeting Nil
Cheques issued at meeting:-
Allianz Insurance plc £299.08
Duck Food £20.00
R.A. Jones (half ¼ year sal/exp) £131.47
J. Scott (half ¼ year sal/exp) £109.90
The Chairperson had received a letter stating that Hankelow Parish Council has been appointed an External Auditor.
The Chairperson had received results of the Audlem Ward Rural Housing Needs
Assessment November/December 2007. Having read the report the Chairperson reported that Hankelow required 2 Rural Needs Houses. Borough Cllr. Bailey reported that the Survey related to the Audlem Ward overall which includes Audlem, Buerton, Dodcot cum Wilkesley, Hankelow and Newhall and that figures could not be related to one particular parish.
Cllr. Williams referred to a previous report which stated that under the re-organisation of Cheshire, Hankelow may be linked with Wybunbury. Borough Cllr. Bailey said she would check this.
The Chairperson reported that she had received two letters on the subject of Validation of Planning Applications, also a letter welcoming Hankelow to East Cheshire.
Cllr. Mounteney suggested that the fence round the pond should be removed.
Cllr. Cope reported that 7 or 8 posts need replacing around the pond and requested permission to order new posts. Proposed by Cllr. Cope and seconded by Cllr. Hulme. It was agreed that Cllr. Cope should approach Ken Mottershead to purchase new posts. Cllr. Willams said that the safety of the pond and the legal implications regarding fencing or non-fencing of the pond should be discussed with a Solicitor. The Clerk was instructed to write to the Borough Solicitor for information.
G. FOOTPATHS (Stiles).
The Chairperson had received a Map of Footpaths in the Parish of Hankelow. The Parish Council is to supply the Footpath Enforcement Officer with a list of those stiles requiring repair and their location. Cllr. Hulme requested an opportunity to discuss the matter with the Footpath Enforcement Officer as there would be difficulty erecting a new stile by the river on his land.
It was reported that there were serious problems with the condition of the road and verges in Hall Lane. It was agreed that a formal letter should be sent to the Chairman of the Joint Highways Committee Cheshire County Council and the appropriate Department at Crewe & Nantwich Borough Council informing them that Hankelow Parish Council intends to Petition the Council for urgent works to be carried out to improve the condition of the road in Hall Lane.
It was also reported that the manhole cover on the corner of Audlem Road and Hall Lane by the pond, appears to have been badly damaged by a large vehicle. The Clerk was instructed to write to Streetwise at Crewe & Nantwich Borough Council to request them to repair the damaged manhole cover as soon as possible.
Kirk Shenton was invited to address the meeting.
Kirk Shenton reported that the Planning Authorities require him to build a road on the site before he can make a Planning Application. However, he can not build the road until a Great Crested Newt Survey is undertaken.
There being no other business the meeting was closed by the Chairperson with the date of the A.G.M. set for 12th May 2008.