THOSE PRESENT:- Borough Councillor Rachel Bailey. The Chairman, Cllrs. Cope, Foster, Mounteney and Williams. Apologies were received from Cllr. Hulme. Also present were Mr. Tony Lee, Chairman of Hankelow Improvement Plan Committee, and 6 parishioners.
The Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 10th May 2010 were read and, being accepted, were signed by the Chairman.
Mr Tony Lee, Chairman of Hankelow Improvement Plan Committee, was then invited by the Council to give a presentation on the progress of the H.I.P. Committee in the preparation of the village plan.
Mr Lee confirmed that a draft questionnaire had been prepared and sent to 12/15 people in the village, inviting their views. By the time of the next H.I.P. Committee meeting, responses to the draft questionnaire will have been received. The final questionnaire will be sent to every household, to employers and to those who work in the village.
Mr. Lee asked the Parish Council how far they would be involved with the Improvement plan and the Council advised that all applications for grants for any agreed projects would be administered through the Parish Council. The Council asked the Clerk to supply the H.I.P. Committee with details of Parish Council Powers under the Local Government Act, 1972.
Cllr. Foster confirmed that she had attended a L.A.P. Meeting where Malbank School, Health Inequality in East Cheshire and Nantwich Show had been discussed.
Inspector Hassall of Nantwich Neighbourhood Policing Unit reported that, one day per month, he targets motorists.
The Clerk reported that village representatives had met with the three lady judges of the Community Spirit Competition in the Chapel Schoolroom on Monday 28th June, 2010. The event was well attended.
Chair of Hankelow Amenities Group, Val Morrey gave an account of the Group's Events during the year and Mr. Tony Lee, Chairman of the H.I.P. Committee, also reported on the progress of the Village Plan. The judges remarked that the village had a pretty full Competition Entry Form.
This is the third year running that the Parish Council has entered the Competitions.
The Clerk also reported that the date of the Presentation Evening has been altered from Thursday, 24th September to Thursday, 30th September, 2010. The venue remains the same - Nantwich Civic Hall at 7.45 p.m. It was agreed that Cllr. David Mounteney and Mrs Mounteney should attend the Presentation Evening.
The Chairman reported that he had attended a Police Cluster Meeting. Two others attended and the meeting lasted twenty minutes. The Chairman agreed to attend the next Police Cluster meeting.
The Clerk was requested to write to Nantwich Neighbourhood Policing Unit to enquire what progress had been made with enquiries into the three arson attacks in the village which had occurred during the past twelve months.
The Clerk reported that since the last Parish Council meeting the issue of the dilapidated gate and the issue of barbed wire crossing a footpath had been resolved.
In addition to these, 2 kissing gates, one stile and 2 finger posts had been erected in Hankelow during the last quarter.
Cllr. Foster reported that she had not attended a Burial Board Meeting.
The Clerk reported that the Council's 2009/2010 Accounts to 31st March, 2010 had been audited by the Audit Commission and the Audit Commission's Certificate had been received.
The Clerk reported a balance of £3,402.95. The second instalment of the precept of £1,200. is due at the end of August, 2010.
Details | Amount |
Total | £725.83 |
Clerk's salary and expenses | £183.95 |
A.J. Davenport's (Accountant) fees | £45.00 |
Chairman's Allowance | £100.00 |
AON Ltd. Hankelow Parish Council insurance | £396.88 |
Cllr. Foster suggested that the Hankelow Improvement Plan Questionnaire should contain a paragraph advising residents on the powers of the Parish Council. Seconded by the Chairman.
Mr. Tony Lee confirmed that the Hankelow Plan Improvement Committee would learn more about the Parish Council's role, once they had received details of the Local Government Act, 1972 from the Clerk.
The Chairman confirmed that Kirk Shenton had agreed to plant another tree in place of the one planted in memory of Roy Pudney, as the tree had recently died.
Cllr. Mounteney reported that the Parish Council should have heard news of the speed limit in the village by the end of July.
Borough Councillor Rachel Bailey reported that it would be the end of 2011 before speed limits were implemented. A and B roads are currently being reviewed.
The Clerk was instructed to send details of a Planning Consultation received from Wulvern Housing to Mr. Tony Lee, Chairman of Hankelow Improvement Plan
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting with the date of the next meeting set for 1st November 2010